Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thank you Tom Power!

Ok. Had to share. These folks are incredible! Thank you to Tom Power (Deep Roots/CBC 2) for playing this today.

The Quebe Sisters. OMG. Go listen. I am seriously thinking of going to SD to see them live, just 'cause.

In fact, I suspect I heard a concert on CBC back several months that I have been singularly unsuccessful in locating online despite the assertions of the host that that was possible...hmm.

A question of desire

Ok Sete - I'm writing!

So much has happened and I kept meaning to write but then of course, well, I didn't. I'll sum up now. The potted version of a story is always shorter so fair is fair.

I have a crush, his name is Jason. He has beautiful blue eyes and he lives behind the cheese curtain. Go figure.

This story starts with Knitter's Connection. Fiona and I went there to set up her first booth as a professional dyer. SUPER COOL! Was a blast. Seriously. We had transportation tribulations but they could not dim the immense joy in her company, the adventure and the experience. The transport tribulations are now finally over (as of yesterday) so now is actually a good time to tell the tale. Effie was carrying us through the land of cheese when there was a horrible noise. It was 1am, dark, west of La Crosse. We managed to get to La Crosse -miracle 1- and found a competant, SEXY, transmission guy -miracle 2- he said he'd do what he could, then proceeded to do lots and lots more than anyone I know, including my friends! We eventually got underway again and KC went off brilliantly. My yarn budget went into repairing Effie via Skadi's help. I honestly get teary when I think of how absolutely blessed I am with the friends I have in my life now. Thank you universe! Jason was the guy. What a guy. I flirted, offered to kidnap him to Canada and keep him...and I meant it. He's called a few times, I'm waiting til Monday to call since it's a holiday weekend for you kids to the south. Effie has required some additional, related repairs. A seal leaked and the trickle down (haha, pun!) caused some chaos. She's better now. Visa will love me for quite some time based on the profits they are turning off my account. I can make more money.

Skadi's had a horrible week and I am sending all my positive thoughts to her. Please do likewise.

In the knitter-verse, things are trucking along. I have the patterns ready to go for the Queen's Leisure set and will be posting them on Rav shortly. I failed to take pics of the socks before I mailed them so I have to wait to post that one. It was a great exercise in using up left over yarn. I am a hoarder of yarn so if you think tossing 30 g of yarn is acceptable - shame on you! Eventually these projects will be collected into a book of patterns. The title: 'Socks and Ends' let's hope that is still free when this things grows it's flight feathers.

The first pair of socks for Tim are just about done. It's pretty exciting. Trading is awesome. Win-win-win (the extra win is because we both feel like the winner on top of actually BEING a winner). Next pair is likely to be DK or sportweight - may be a pattern coming on. I feel a little twinkle in that designing part of my brain.

The albatross is still hanging off my neck but this weekend should see the end of it. Living with guilt is too damn hard to maintain.

Have I mentioned I really really need an ipod Touch? It has a voice recording more patterns-after-the-fact-wtf-did-I-do for this gal. Effie being a bigger girl called dibs on all free-range cash for the moment so for now, the idea of the ipod is enough.